Kenyans for Peace with Truth and Justice (KPTJ) notes with deep concern and disappointment the
findings of the Electoral Commission of Kenya’s internal review workshop on the 2007 General
Election, held in Mombasa from March 9 to 13, 2008.
The workshop report is astounding in its avoidance of the elephant in the living room. The ECK essentially argues that, since no petition was made regarding the counting and tallying of the Presidential vote, it was in order to present the certificate to the person sworn in as president. It, however, then goes on to admit to grave problems with:
- The recruitment of ECK staff;
- Communication between their presiding officers (POs) and returning officers (ROs);
- Its black books, which it notes are too many, (entries to which are not dated);
- The quality of election materials;
- The ECK’s capacity to monitor and address electoral violence;